The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am not entirely sure, but I believe Kerry just kicked GW Bush's ass in the debate. GW seemed defensive, harsh, repetitive, while Kerry seemed intelligent, asured of himself, careful in his speech and articulate in his ideas.

This is somewhat what I expected, as there was an excellent article in the atlantic about their debating styles, which essentially argued that GW does not win on style, but wins in the Gipper style, that is, making his opponent seem ridiculous.

By the by, Rather is wiping the floor with Giuliani, by quoting Musharref saying "America is less safe because of its invasion of Iraq." Giuliani seemed incapable of answering the question, and then resoted to pointing out what he said was a "glaring" contradiction that made Kerry's argument less "cohesive" (I think he meant coherent) : That he said that saddam was not the threat the president argued before war, and that at the end of the debate he said saddam was a threat. I just hope you undecided's don't just fall into the trap of empty, repetitive rhetoric.


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