The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Short Imagined Dialog.

Average Zach and Scott conversation:

S: Jamie is pretty hot
Z: I wouldn't say pretty hot, I'd say extremely hot.
S: Solar flare hot
Z: Hiroshima Hot
S: Hot enough to bake cookies
Z: or melt steel
S: or melt robots
Z: melt robots?
S: Can you imagine?
Z: I wouldn't be able to look away
S: Our retinas would scar
Z: We'd be blinded by the light
S: Have we gone too far?
Z: Not nearly yet
S: When did Beckett start writing our dialog?
Z: We could go Mamet?
S: . . .
Z: We could fucking go Mamet, motherfucker, you piece of shit.
S: Yes, we motherfucking could.


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