The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Am I excited about Shat? I'd better well damned be.

I need to get a new chain for my bike, as the old one split when I was coming home from work the other day . . . hopefully I won't let this become like the great tire fiasco of aught-five-aught-six; although I am feeling particularily lazy.

SO. Friday night I closed at 1369, which was vaguely aweful, given our astonishing policy of not actually kicking anyone out until a half hour after close, and also given the fact that the cafe belongs in the annals of places I've worked where the vacuum is the most obnoxious thing ever to operate. It seems that in any given workplace, there are only two types of vacuum available: those easy and comfortable to use (IE the plugs fit snugly, the extension cords long enough for the job at hand, the attachments not prone to falling off) that inevitably break twice a week, or complete shitshows (plugs fall out, pieces easily fall off, are reattached, fall off again, are easily clogged, and whose bags turn into goop that needs to be scooped out) which inevitably never break, and last years. 1369 falls into the latter category, making the 11:30 vacuuming feel like the most sisyphean thing since cleaning the knockbox. Anyway, so I got out of there and sped over to Courtside, missing Chris I, but thankfully, not Jamie. Jamie and I had a wonderful time, though she was a bit off her rocker, as evidenced by her own posting, and we stuck it out and gave scott a ride home, during which he repeatedly made me promise to take care of her, which I did to the best of my abilities, but not before being affectionatly called a douchebag out a 3rd story window at 2 in the morning.

as already blogged in this here recepticle, I love the word douche.

Anyway, I picked up a copy of a book called Conversations with Robert Penn Warren the other day at Mac&Moore's and have so far discovered that Warren speaks in almost the same way he writes. Some of these answers resonate as well as the best parts of AKM, like the spider with it's eyes glittering and fangs dripping, or the plonk and the frog jumping into the pool, with the ripples spreading out. For people unacquainted with All the King's Men, it is one of my favorites, and I highly suggest you get as copy and read it a bunch of times. From Conversations :
Take Jack Burden. I used a model, but he doesn't know it yet. I know him very well indeed. I even know that he doesn't know what I know about him. And that's knowing a man mighty well
It's the verbal play, the formulation, that is so striking . . . Anyway, enough geekery out of me, I should shower and eat something.


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