The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


for my roommate to get out of the bathroom so I can wash the coffee stink off me before heading over to Jamie's tonight. Last night I had a personality crash, with all my little stressors compiling into one big fuck up that I convinced myself could just be sorted out by trying to make sense of one eensy-weensy bit, which is not only a bad idea in and of itself, but lead me to being a douche, to quite a few people and one in particular. For all of last nights douchebaggery, I'm really quite sorry.

Work today was alright. Mostly too damn busy for me to spend much time complaining, and between that and the hangover, things went considerably smoother than expected. I've got to get a lot of things under control before we get too far into fall, and I have none of them.

I want a pony. A damn big pony. And a cookie. And to actually finish something I start. And a clean room (HAH) and way to pay for going to Hawaii for my friends wedding this spring. But mostly I want food. and to shower. and watch bad tv.


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