Here's to the Shrill and the Weeping
Yesterday was the worst day in quite some time. Car problems, late to work, sick to my stomache, burning fluids spilled all over my hand, no money and no access to money, no cigs and no access to cigs.
At this point I'm glad yesterday is over, and I have some money, wheels, cigs, and even some optimism for the rest of the day.
It really started with the day before thanksgiving. Robert Pinsky came into the store, and me being the geek I am, I just had to tell someone. So I called Allan. Allan has been a friend since I was 15. I spent three nights a week at his house for most of high school, and when my dad had the stroke I was at his house. We drove 120 all the way to Plymouth, me smoking cigarretes like a fiend and him telling me it would be ok. Well, Allan went to Florida over the summer, to be near his girlfriend, who was down there for an internship. I call him on wednesday, and hes on a bus down to Falmouth, but promises to hang out later are made.
The day he flies out he sends me a text message saying sorry, and that he "aims to be a better friend." This shouldn't upset me as much as it does. Allan has been inconsiderate and incapable of making plans all his life, but still, I can't get over it. I've burned a lot of friends in the past 4 months, some totally deserving of it, others not. I've grown in my intolerance of feeling used, feeling just like a ride, for some people.
Anyway, I need to go shower and get ready for work, and think about my next move.
Oh, and Slither is an incredible movie. Truly brilliant!