The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Here's to the Shrill and the Weeping

Yesterday was the worst day in quite some time. Car problems, late to work, sick to my stomache, burning fluids spilled all over my hand, no money and no access to money, no cigs and no access to cigs.

At this point I'm glad yesterday is over, and I have some money, wheels, cigs, and even some optimism for the rest of the day.

It really started with the day before thanksgiving. Robert Pinsky came into the store, and me being the geek I am, I just had to tell someone. So I called Allan. Allan has been a friend since I was 15. I spent three nights a week at his house for most of high school, and when my dad had the stroke I was at his house. We drove 120 all the way to Plymouth, me smoking cigarretes like a fiend and him telling me it would be ok. Well, Allan went to Florida over the summer, to be near his girlfriend, who was down there for an internship. I call him on wednesday, and hes on a bus down to Falmouth, but promises to hang out later are made.

The day he flies out he sends me a text message saying sorry, and that he "aims to be a better friend." This shouldn't upset me as much as it does. Allan has been inconsiderate and incapable of making plans all his life, but still, I can't get over it. I've burned a lot of friends in the past 4 months, some totally deserving of it, others not. I've grown in my intolerance of feeling used, feeling just like a ride, for some people.

Anyway, I need to go shower and get ready for work, and think about my next move.

Oh, and Slither is an incredible movie. Truly brilliant!

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm getting out of these pjs and heading up to Boston to see the Jamie. That will keep me form dispair. YAY, Beer. Yay, movies. Yay Beer!

I want some damn pie.


I just feel really fuckin sad today...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Soundtrack of the Damned

1. A selection of Beijing National Opera's Greatest Hits
2. Guitar Wolf
3. Japanese Children's music star Juri
4. Gilbert and Sullivans Pirates of Penzance
5. Deerhoof
6. Charlie Daniels Band

7. Play and watch 1369 empty out. Closing last night was freakin awful.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday Morning

I'm bored, and am going to work in like ten minutes. Give me some money or beer.

God I fucking hate hippies.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I need to move back to the city. I am so bored here. And so lazy, though I did clean my car today. Plus I miss everyone up there. I miss Cara and Dalia, and chattin with them at the Shithole (it got egged on haloween, way to go Brighton Ruffians!) and all my tuesday night peeps, esp. John. Man, that guy pukes like a viking. And Jess B. I pine for her sweet sweet abuse. The bruises from last time seeing her have totally faded away, gotta see if I can make it tonight. I miss the Pheebs, and I know I totally promised to show at her haloween dig but its just so hard to move when you're this far away . . .

Man, whatever happened to Naho? Did she die or something? Or is it me who died? If so, I think Sartre had it almost right. Hell is other people, who happen to share a good deal of genetic material with you. My great uncle thinks that Patrick, as govenor, will encourage young black people to shoot eachother more in Boston. I went to see him on Veterens day because he was in France in 44, and because hes a pretty kick-ass guy all around. Payed for Falmouth Academy, and what not. Still, only slightly rascist.

EH, running away now.

I need a life!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

Oh, and before I go, I just have a few things to say:

James Woods has no eyebrows. Weird.

The New Doctor Who: kinda awesome.

My dad's commentary during tv shows: really lame.

My dad during Grey's Anatomy: "They're interns. They're learning how to do surgery. That one likes the guy with the homo-haircut."

during Dr. Who: "This program has been going so long, they've twenty something actors who've played the Doctor."

during Battlestar Galactica: "Those robots can look like humans. They destroyed the human race."

during Law and Order:SVU: "They investigate sex crimes"

I love my dad, but he has a habit of pontificating on the obvious.


Partying in Brighton? Probably the worst idea I've ever had. Still, here I go.

Tomorrow night: Decemberists.

Next Week: Promotion at work

Next Month: turn 24, still nothing to show for it.

Next year: God only knows what, but it'll probably be boring and end up all for the worst.