The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I need to move back to the city. I am so bored here. And so lazy, though I did clean my car today. Plus I miss everyone up there. I miss Cara and Dalia, and chattin with them at the Shithole (it got egged on haloween, way to go Brighton Ruffians!) and all my tuesday night peeps, esp. John. Man, that guy pukes like a viking. And Jess B. I pine for her sweet sweet abuse. The bruises from last time seeing her have totally faded away, gotta see if I can make it tonight. I miss the Pheebs, and I know I totally promised to show at her haloween dig but its just so hard to move when you're this far away . . .

Man, whatever happened to Naho? Did she die or something? Or is it me who died? If so, I think Sartre had it almost right. Hell is other people, who happen to share a good deal of genetic material with you. My great uncle thinks that Patrick, as govenor, will encourage young black people to shoot eachother more in Boston. I went to see him on Veterens day because he was in France in 44, and because hes a pretty kick-ass guy all around. Payed for Falmouth Academy, and what not. Still, only slightly rascist.

EH, running away now.

I need a life!


At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you moved. Where are you?

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

I vote for a road trip...but I don't know where or when. Thoughts?


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