The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Friday, December 29, 2006

the taj mahal of fake fifties diners.

Christmas was lovely, except for the giant headcold, that I thought was strep, that is not strep because strep doesn't cause gluey grey mucus to fall out my nose at totally inappropriate times. This has made work more interesting.

If you're still reading, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Well, I gotta go run and check in on my car at the shop, and then head back up to the city.

I saw allan, sean, and scott the other night, a good time was had by all, though I was nearly too sick to do anything, and the next morning I felt like I was going to die.

God, I need to hang with Alethea soon.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Shit. I think I might have strep. Merry christmas indeed.

Obligatory Xmas Post, bitter and hollow

Merry Christmas everyone!

Now remember, today is not a day to indulge in those paganistic revels so celebrated by the Secular left. No, today is about Christ, who died on a cross for all of us, even the jews. So remember Jesus this afternoon, as you hang with your miserable, sinning families.

Meep, I wanna be elsewhere.

Friday, December 22, 2006

I need a drink

cars in the shop, and I'm about ready to piss myself in fury. Driving the mom-mobile to work tonight.

someone give me a blowjob and a guinness.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

On Cnn, they're playing the same footage of Harry Reid getting out of an SUV and going in to visit Johnson in the hospital, over and over again. 4 times in the past five minutes by my count. It's weird, because it reminds me so much of that footage of Jack Abramoff going into the courthouse from a few months back. Democrats go to hospital, republithugs go to jail.

Tonight, Tonight, was a disaster.

there's a shield around us
it's invisible & soundless
& we drink too much & fuck too soon
smoke cigarettes in rented rooms
we quit our jobs & shoot the moon
& cut our wrists & sleep til noon

1:30 in the afternoon, and I'm getting ready for work. Work 4-close at Central, and the open the Inman store the next morning. I feel tired. The Bukowskis drained me dry last night, and the ride home was just insufferable. Four days till my birthday and like the wrens song, bored rural lord at 24, yeah right, I'm the best 17-year old ever. Just waisting my time, burning my days with work and stressing out about the car and who I owe money and what, and who do I owe favors to this week, family or friends, and how did I end up with my entire life mortgaged to vapid daydreams and sneering generosities.

there's a shield around us
we are heady we are groundless
& we burn our friends & kill their names
build insecure & petty fames
& tattoo things that we believe
stars & skulls & hearts in half-sleeves

She let me borrow money for gas on my way back to Carver last night, said I shouldn't buy cigarettes with it but I did anyway and let the engine whine down through vapors. I'm being all melodramatic again but frankly I feel like shit so deal with it.

there's a shield around us
tell me how is it you've found us
cause we hide our tracks & watch the ground
our footfalls they don't make a sound
we've cursed the names of our hometowns
we're compassless & nowhere bound

I don't wanna work central tonight.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Oh god, you know what made me think of b-grade japanese movies? Those damn Wii commercials. Someone needs to shoot those two creepy guys in their little car. Shoot them with a gun.

Whose up for some fermented malt beverages with a great deal of hoppy happiness?

Back from being slightly insane

Wow. Going nuts every once in a while is spectacular. Granted, it makes me a douche, and I end up sleeping 14 hours straight, but you gotta do what you gotta do, especially when you're coming up on a birthday that stands without any accomplishments to speak for 24 years of effort. That was a horrifically convoluted sentence.

It's been an odd week. I worked at central, which is like Bizarro 1369. Slightly larger and everything slightly misplaced, uncanny and disturbing. And then the cultural rift between the two stores. At the booze cruise the Inman alcoholics stayed near the bar and gradually got comotose, while the central stoners blazed on the foredeck and talked about stars and other such bullshit. Inman=alcoholic, neurotic. Central=stoned, layed-back, slow. So it was a strange, discomfiting evening.

I missed last nights star wars party at my coworker Allison's place, but I miss pretty much everything these days, and there wasn't any guarentee of booze.

Besides which, we had turkey at home!

Anyway, looking at puppies.

and listening to music

Have you seen this?

It took Suzuki 30 years to make that. It's the sequel to this surreal noir classic

Neither make much sense, but they're pretty much the coolest two movies I've ever seen. I don't know what made me think of them.

I couldn't find a picture to post here.