This is almost like blogging, without any of the work.
I dare any of you motherfuckers to find a more inspiring puppet video.
there is no bad mood that can't be solved with puppets.
Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.
I dare any of you motherfuckers to find a more inspiring puppet video.
oh, and I'm going to see the Wrens in two freakin weeks. I shit my pants in glee. Alright. Food. Now.
I woke up from my post work nap with dreams of iced drinks still in my head. So I rattled them loose and now am updating before I go in search of food. Huh. Monday night. I am on a not drinking kick for a little bit, a detox, which not only a) will save me money, but b) will make me stop waking up feeling like shit and wanting to kill everything and everyone. Laundry needs to be done, and I still have this pile of shit that I need to find a home for cluttering up my room. Honestly, this got out of hand months ago, and at this point I'm considering just pouring gasoline on the whole freakin thing and walking out, tossing my lit cigarette into the fumes as I turn away.
I feel like shit, am bored, and have to work in 8 hours. Which isn't really a problem except that it is, cuz I feel like shit. I need a vacation from my head for a couple of days.
Take Jack Burden. I used a model, but he doesn't know it yet. I know him very well indeed. I even know that he doesn't know what I know about him. And that's knowing a man mighty wellIt's the verbal play, the formulation, that is so striking . . . Anyway, enough geekery out of me, I should shower and eat something.
Average Zach and Scott conversation:
My mom just got back from Cali and Washington, where she was visiting friends from when she was a jesuit volunteer in Alaska. She was staying in Bellingham for a week, which is not only where her friends live (off the of the swank Chuckanut Dr.) But it is also the town my dad spent his teenage years in, after my grandfather moved the family out of Louisiana. And it also is the lower48 home of the Alaska Marine Highway, perhaps the coolest ferry system known to man. You can rent a cabin for the three day trip to Ketchikan, or you can grab a tent and pitch it on the deck. My dad and I did this 6 years ago, when we were heading up to Craig to work on an archeological dig, and it was one of the coolest things ever.
I'm totally flat fuckin broke. I scoured the room, upending pants and all sorts of items to find change today to buy some cigs. I was irritable. I was supposed to work today (I think) but I when I went in I was scheduled for tomorrow, not today, so I biked around cambridge, downtown, and saw Scott at his work. We chatted a bit, mostly about the irreplacable implacable Ms. Jamiepants, and how hot and awesome she is. Anyway, so I stopped back at my new work and grabbed a drink before biking home.
Georgia. We set off at ten on Sunday morning, hopes held trembling in our hands along with a double iced espresso, a large cup of coffee, and a vanilla double latte (Sean f-in loves that shit.) And headed out down the Mass Pike, soon to turn southwards, ever, ever southwards.
Just in case anyone missed Sen. Stevens showing off his profound ignorance, we now have the techno version:
For Scott: