The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Things that make no sense

I am rambly tonight.

My internet has been shut off. This is because my roommate hasn't paid me in 8 months. SO now I am updating from a coffee shop in Allston.

I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, huppub folks. Two weeks in a row now I've been remiss, and I plan on seeing you all very soon.

I could bore you with details from the clusterfuck that is my life, suffice to say, I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now. Scott, I keep picking up my phone to call you, but I am a freekin pussy. I dunno. Phobias of talking to people overwhelming.

Except for Ny, this week has pretty much sucked.

Ny was pretty fun though.

I'm gonna go home and listen to some sad songs.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hi there

I'm pretty angry. About a lot of stuff. Thought you all should know. Not that I can do anything about it.

I'm going to see the motherfucking wrens tonight. So honestly I could give a shit how I feel.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This week was

horrific. My car got towed, and then the shit really hit the fan. I was thinking, originally, about 100$ to get it out. And I payed that. But no, my insurance had lapsed, and so it ended up costing about 400$, but for a while, I was thinking maybe more like 800$, which would have meant me having to leave the city, or ignoring the fact that I pay rent. Or both.

But it all got sorted out on tuesday. I got all my shit together, got the car reinsured, reregistered, payed the storage, and got it out on the streets with enough time to visit Jamie at the 'bucks and get down to Cambridgeside to meet the staff for our summer party. It was a cruise in Boston harbor, with a cashbar and catered. My coworker Jackie (who is incredible) was buying drinks faster than I could suck them down, and I was going full tilt like the charming asshole I am. All in all, an incredible evening, and the city looked just gorgeous, almost as gorgeous as whatshername 1, or whatshername 2.

Then went to work at 7 am the next morning, and man, was that some nostalgia. Haven't pulled the totally hungover asscrack of dawn shift since my best days at Athan's, but I got through it with alacrity and aplomb, as is my want.

I am going to NYC on sunday with Jamie, and am looking forward to it more than anything. I have a bad history with trips to NYC, starting all the way back in the days of Sean and Viv and allan and 'tien, and the ride to Phili that took 12 freakin hours.

There is a lot of strife going on, and I am presently in the center of it, though the cause of none of it. I have a lot to say on the matter, but because all the people involved are my friends, and I am a polite individual, I will reserve my words for in person meetings and whispered telephone conversations in the dark of night, as is my want.

I have a lot on my plate right now, and I am slowly beginning to realize that this summer has changed a lot of things for me, has changed a lot about me. BEing fired from Athan's was good for me, in a lot of ways. It ended the monastacism of long hours, long weeks, and drinking alone at Porter Belly's or the Middle East. But it also ended my being financially comfortable, and now I am frantically searching for supplements to my income. I feel like a lot of my life was just lost in that job, and I'm only now rediscovering it. If it takes being broke to be this happy, then I'll switch beers for martinis and burn dollars in the furnace. Just don't let me get so far gone as to have to move home. I can't do that. Not just on a moving back in with parents sucks thing, but physically, I cannot move back in there. There isn't room and I'd be driven mad within a week.

I'm a bit rambly, I know that.

Indulge me at your peril.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nothing but contempt for the living

If this means I have to leave the city for good, well then, brother I am pissed.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


for my roommate to get out of the bathroom so I can wash the coffee stink off me before heading over to Jamie's tonight. Last night I had a personality crash, with all my little stressors compiling into one big fuck up that I convinced myself could just be sorted out by trying to make sense of one eensy-weensy bit, which is not only a bad idea in and of itself, but lead me to being a douche, to quite a few people and one in particular. For all of last nights douchebaggery, I'm really quite sorry.

Work today was alright. Mostly too damn busy for me to spend much time complaining, and between that and the hangover, things went considerably smoother than expected. I've got to get a lot of things under control before we get too far into fall, and I have none of them.

I want a pony. A damn big pony. And a cookie. And to actually finish something I start. And a clean room (HAH) and way to pay for going to Hawaii for my friends wedding this spring. But mostly I want food. and to shower. and watch bad tv.

I'm hungover.

Hi. Sorry. This is going to take a while to be sorted out.

You just gotta get used to the fact that I like to ruin my life.