The Birth of Tragedy

I forgot just how much I love Song Islands by the Microphones, but then I walked down to the 9's the other night and Xala was playing it and it was "The Moon" and a lot of nostalgia just crashed down on me.
I got an espresso machine from work this week, and it makes me happy. Alec is gone from the 9's and it just is a little disappointing. Allan comes back to Boston soon, and I am anticipating his arrival with eager hands in the wallet and thoughts of bars he's never been to and books I've been reading that just maybe he's read to, and it really is uite something to hold on to a friendship from so far back and it really is quite something that for all the bad blood in my little post-FA circle, he and I are without and cause for concern.
Have you heard this one track off that album I mentioned earlier? It's called "Lanterns" and it sounds like a zombie movie heard from the inside of a keg, a keg of despair and loathing and hope and emptiness.
I'm gonna go dick around on the guitar until work now.
Labels: terror famines, the emptiness of talking
My malformed/stillborn opinion is that you bear a striking resemblance to Earnie of My Three Sons (Wiki | Fan Site | Pic One | Pic Two).
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