The Malformed Stillborn Opinion Channel

Death to the living. Long life for the Killers.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm under the impression that no one reads or cares. So I enabled comments. Show the love.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger William Ham said...

Here's the love you ordered. Sorry it's a bit crushed on one side - I got a little carried away while I was fucking it.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Za . . . Fuck YOU said...

Fuckin sweet, bend that shit over.

"Thinking Like This Will Kill You" is nearly done, and will be a novel of prodigious length and sex scenes. You will recieve a copy via the internets as soon as I get off my sorry ass, put the infant's head I've been chewing on back in the fridge, and finish the damn thing. Think of it, for the time being, like a mix of Joyce Carol Oates and Eric Carle, or maybe James Michener and Kathy Acker, or maybe String Cheese Incident doing a cover of the Talking Heads, but not so sucky. Or maybe as a cross of Brie and Muenster. Yeah, that's it.

Love plus something my cat ate, puked up, and ate again, and then puked up again . . .


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